We try to give some answers to the most frequently asked questions here. If your question is not answered or is still unclear, please do not hesitate to contact us or attend one of our regular virtual BugNet coffee breaks where we will be happy to discuss your questions.


Starting the experimental study

How do I start the experimental BugNet study?

What is the leeway for acceptable heterogeneity among subplots?

How should I time the baseline measurements and the start of treatment?

Maintenance of plots

What should I do if my site gets destroyed by fire, flood or if it has been very dry? 

Should I mow my site? How should I handle succession?

Should I fence my site?


What is meant with treatment add-ons?

What to do with really big shrubs? Should we use allometry to assess their biomass like in the comparative part?

When should I assess damage?

What about sites that don’t conform to an annual growing season?

How do I protect myself during pesticide application?

Where should I send my samples and how should I prepare them?

Treatment efficiency and timing

Can I increase the dosage of the molluscicide? I have the feeling it is not effective.

My grassland is very productive, I have the feeling that Karate Zeon has a very low efficacy reducing insects in the plots. Should I increase the dosage?

Molluscicide might have a fertilization effect. What to do about this?