Please note that each site will have it’s own spreadsheet!
Comparative study
Master data spreadsheet with a tab for metadata explaining all the sheets and all variable:
Example data spreadsheet filled out to give some guidance for taking your measurements :
If you have finished a site and are ready to send your data, please email it to Suz Everingham. Make sure the file is labelled with the file name “collaboratorName_SiteID_DateofCollection.xlsx” for example “SusanEveringham_BernSwiss1_14April2021.xlsx” and make sure you indicate whether it is comparative or experimental.
Note that this data will be freely available to all collaborators. We are planning to create a tidy dataset with all global site data collected from all collaborators and this will be an easily accessible, easy-to-use data resource for future studies.
Experimental study
Master data spreadsheet with a tab for metadata explaining all the sheets and all variable:
Example data spreadsheet filled out to give some guidance for taking your measurements :
Please fill out and send to Anne Kempel one experimental datasheet per site for each year.